How to do church with kids at home

This Sunday at St Peter’s we’ll be streaming our first online service which we hope you’ll be able to join in with. Soon we hope to provide something more customised for Youth and Children but in the meantime, why not have a go at involving your kids in some worship and prayer at home this week?

There are some great resources online, and now is the time to check out Rightnowmedia, if you’ve not done so already – members of St Peter’s have a free subscription (email us if you have any problems signing in). They have some great kids programmes for all ages to watch and learn more about Jesus.

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You could also:

  • Try a family worship time with real or home made instruments – sing along to a Youtube or Spotify playlist of St Peter’s favourite All Age worship songs

  • Watch a bible story online – we love the Saddleback Kids Jesus stories or read a story from a children’s bible (some favourites are The Storybook Bible, the Usborne Children’s Bible and Bible Stories for Tiny Tots). Afterwards, ask questions about the story – what happened, what does it tell us about God?

  • Pray together. You could take it in turns to think of things to be thankful for, saying sorry and asking God for your needs. For toddlers, you could pass around a toy or pretend phone to encourage them to talk to God.

  • Draw a picture or write a prayer in response to the bible story.

Let us know how you get along and if you’re an instagrammer who likes to share do use the hash tag #wearestps