Community Group leaders

Community Group leaders oversee the midweek groups. These groups help friendship and faith to flourish. If you’re not already in one, try one out! Please get in touch and we’ll help to connect you with the right one for you.

Irene, Daphne & Raheel’s CG

Meets on Tuesday evenings (currently on zoom) and for lunch every 6 weeks.

Joseline & Smedah’s CG

Meets weekly on Zoom on Thursday evenings, and every six weeks for lunch after the Sunday service.

The Parish Church Council

Here are the elected representatives for the 2022 - 2023 church council.

PCC Sub Groups

PCC 'Subs' are sub groups of the PCC with a focus on particular areas of the church's ministry and mission.

PCC Exec 

Supporting the vicar in directing the church's vision and priorities, operational decision making
and agenda setting for the PCC. 

Finance Sub

Responsible for setting the church's financial strategy and ensuring the Church's mission is resourced, while advocating a culture of good stewardship, generosity and accountability. For more on finances go here.

Mission Partners Sub

Responsible for advocating & praying for the church's mission partners and to be the bridge between the organisations and church family. For more information on mission partners go here.

Staff Welfare Sub

Offers support & accountability for staff team through prayer and advocating for healthy working practices.

Safeguarding Sub

Responsible for ensuring good safeguarding processes are in place. Advise staff and church family in the handling of safeguarding situations.