Battersea Welcomes Refugees

We are a group of CofE churches in the Battersea area who are passionate to find properties to increase the number of Syrian families resettled in the area and to support other work with refugees locally. 

For landlords who are interested in renting a property to a Syrian Family for 2 years under the Syrian vulnerable person resettlement programme we have put lots more information on this page

Other support needed - once we have secured some properties that are suitable for Syrian families we will then need other support - to help get those properties ready, and to support the families once they arrive.  If you are able to give financially, or through your time/skills please do get in touch. 

  • £31 could provide a taxi from the airport to collect a family on their arrival from Syria and bring them to their new home
  • £70 could provide a week’s worth of food for a refugee family to settle in when they first arrive
  • £154 could provide a welcome kit full of household essentials such as bathroom and kitchen equipment, bedding and cleaning products to help make their new home, a home.

We also want to promote the great work of Wandsworth Welcomes Refugees who coordinate groups working with refugees in Wandsworth. 

If you are interested to give or have any questions do contact the representative in your church or the Area Dean, Rev Richard Taylor.